Top quality scientific publications for sedimentologists
The journal of the IAS
The international leader in its field, Sedimentology publishes ground-breaking research from across the spectrum of sedimentology, sedimentary geology and sedimentary geochemistry.
The journal is published by Wiley, with up to seven issues per year. Full online access to all issues and early view articles comes free with IAS membership. Printed copies are available at reduced rate for all active members. Author guidelines can be found on the Wiley website.

The Depositional Record
The open access journal from the IAS
The Depositional Record is a fully open access journal publishing high quality articles from across the field of sedimentology. The journal covers all timescales, from Ancient to Recent and welcomes articles that emphasise the application of sedimentary processes to the study of paleoclimate, changes in the chemical environment, ocean acidification, extra-terrestrial sedimentology, and the application of genetic methods to understanding sedimentological processes.
Each article is made publicly available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. Author guidelines can be found on the Wiley website.

Basin Research
Journal published on behalf of IAS and EAGE
Basin Research is an international journal which aims to publish original, high impact research papers on sedimentary basin systems. It has been online only since 2018.
Access to the complete electronic journal archive to early-view content comes free with an active IAS membership. Author guidelines can be found on the Wiley website.

Journal of Petroleum Geology
Journal published in association with the IAS
Journal of Petroleum Geology is a quarterly journal devoted to the geology of oil and natural gas.
Paid access to the complete electronic journal archive and the option to buy the printed journal at a reduced fee is possible through an active IAS membership.

Thematic Books (older than 5 years)
A set of thematic volumes edited by specialists on subjects of central interest to sedimentologists. Papers are reviewed and printed to the same high standards as those published in Sedimentology, several volumes have become standard works of reference.
Next to Special Publications, IAS thematic books also feature Reprint Series — collections of related papers published over several years in Sedimentology — and Field Guides, pocket-size volumes containing practical field information for individuals and groups visiting areas in the World that provide excellent examples of sedimentary strata.
IAS members can purchase printed Special Publications at a discount price and have full online access to issues older than 5 years. To use copyrighted material, use the Request for Permission form.

New Thematic Books
Since 2020 IAS publishes its thematic books online. Members can download PDF copies for free when logged in to the IAS website. They can also order high-resolution PDFs and print-on-demand copies at reduced prices.
Non-members can purchase copies by using the contact form to request pricing details and an order form.
There are currently two books available:
- Field Guides to Exceptionally Exposed Carbonate Outcrops (Field Guide Series 3) - Edited by V. Paul Wright and Giovanna Della Porta
- Coral Reefs and Sea-Level Change (Special Publication 49) - Edited by Gilbert F. Camoin and Nadine Hallman

How to access
Get access to publications, books, grants and more with your IAS membership.