Common Questions

Find answers to frequent queries about IAS, including access issues with Wiley, troubleshooting page interactions and more.

I am an active member but the Wiley website won't recognize me when I try to login with my IAS credentials whenever I want to read content.

Some pages are not reacting as expected, especially those where I need to interact with.

I want to publish my article in Sedimentology. What do I need to do and where should I start?

I want to do a presentation at an IAS meeting. What are my options?

I'm looking for specific content presented at an IAS conference. Can you help?

I would like to use copyrighted material from IAS Special Publications. Is this possible?

I want to recover my forgotten password but I have no access to my registered IAS login email. What should I do?

Am I required to fill out a complete profile as an IAS member?

I'm no longer active member of the IAS. Can others still see my personal details in the Members Directory?