Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership of the International Association of Sedimentologists can be awarded in two categories: for leadership in sedimentology or for service to the IAS. Honorary Membership can be awarded at any International Meeting of the IAS. At the 37th International Meeting of Sedimentology in Aberdeen (2024), Steven De Vriese was awarded Honorary Membership for services to the IAS.
Awardees List
- 2024 - Steven De Vriese
- 2022 - Marc de Batist
- 2018 - Finn Surlyk, Jose Pedro Calvo, Elaine Richardson
- 2014 - Judith A. McKenzie
- 2010 - John Hudson, Maurice Tucker
- 2006 - Andre Strasser
- 2002 - Luis Spaletti
- 1998 - Henrik Füchtbauer, Kenneth H. Hsu
- 1991 - Harold G. Reading
- 1986 - Gerald M. Friedman, Gerard V. Middleton
- 1978 - Yvonne Gubler, Percival Allen
- 1975 - André Vatan

Steven De Vriese, 2024 Honorary Member
Sorby Medal
The Sorby Medal is the most prestigious award of the International Association of Sedimentologists. It is awarded to scientists of eminent distinction in sedimentology. The Sorby Medal is awarded once every 4 years, on the occasion of the International Sedimentological Congress (ISC). At the 21st International Sedimentological Congress in Beijing/online (2022), the Sorby Medal was awarded to Juergen Schieber
Awardees List
- 2022 – Juergen Schieber
- 2018 - Luis Pomar
- 2014 - Noel. P. James
- 2010 - John Bridge
- 2006 - Charlotte Schreiber
- 2002 - Roger Walker
- 1998 - Robert N. Ginsburg
- 1994 - John R.L. Allen
- 1990 - Robert L. Folk
- 1986 - Robin G.C. Bathurst
- 1982 - Francis J. Pettijohn
- 1978 - Ralph A. Bagnold, Francis P. Shepard

Juergen Schieber, 2022 Sorby Medal winner
Johannes Walther Award
The Johannes Walther Award is awarded to mid-career scientists who are considered to have had a significant impact in the field of sedimentology. The award is given once every 2 years. At the 37th International Meeting of Sedimentology in Aberdeen (2024), the Johannes Walther Award was awarded to Chao Li.
Awardees List
- 2024 - Chao Li
- 2022 – Niles Davies
- 2020 - Emmanuelle Vennin
- 2018 - Rachel Wood
- 2016 - Ana M. Alonso Zarza
- 2014 - Thierry Mulder
- 2012 - Gregor Eberli

Chao Li, 2024 Johannes Walther Award winner
Early-Career Scientist Award
The Early-Career Scientist Award recognizes contributions and potential of outstanding early-career scientists working in any area of sedimentology. Candidates should not have obtained their PhD more than seven (7) years before the date of the award ceremony. The award is given once every 2 years. At the 37th International Meeting of Sedimentology in Aberdeen (2024), the Johannes Walther Award was awarded to Martha Marchegiano.
Awardees List
- 2024 - Marta Marchegiano
- 2022 – Theresa Nohl
- 2020 - Or Bialik
- 2018 - Matthieu Cartigny
- 2016 - Marcello Natalicchio
- 2014 - Michael Strasser
- 2012 - Stefano Andreucci

Marta Marchegiano, 2024 Early-Career Scientist Award winner
Sun Shu Research Prizes
The Sun Shu Prizes (Sun Shu Prize China and Sun Shu Prize International) are awarded to recognise outstanding scientists in the field of sedimentology. The Prizes are awarded to honour the late Prof. Sun Shu, a Chinese sedimentologist whose success and fame was achieved through the integration of sedimentological analysis into numerous areas of research including sedimentary geotectonics, mineral resources, and environmental sciences. He was a true pioneer in terms of using tectonic facies analysis concepts and sedimentological data to solve problems related to tectonics and basin analysis. Candidates for the Sun Shu Prizes must be ordinary Members of the IAS aged between 35 and 45 years at the date of the submission deadline. At the 37th International Meeting of Sedimentology in Aberdeen (2024), the Sun Shu Prizes were awarded to Jitao Chen (China Prize) and David Kemp (International Prize).
Awardees List
- 2024 - Jitao Chen (China) - David Kemp (International)
- 2022 – Chenglin Gong (China) - Guillaume Suan (International)
- 2020 - Huaichun Wu (China) - Alex Brasier (International)

Jitao Chen and David Kemp, 2024 Sun Shu Prize winners
Richard W. Faas Research Prize
The Dr. Richard Faas Research Prize (now discontinued) was awarded to recognize outstanding work in the field of marine sedimentology and particularly research dealing with fine-grained marine and estuarine sediments.
Awardees List
- 2019 – Megan Baker
- 2017 - Matthias Baeye
- 2015 - Richard P. Hale

Dr. Richard W. Faas