Official IAS Logos
Official IAS Identity Colours
- HEX: #CD622A
- RGB: 205 | 98 | 42
- CYMK: 15.49 | 69.74 | 90.52 | 4.24
- HEX: #212C48
- RGB: 33 | 44 | 72
- CYMK: 94.94 | 81.08 | 41.75 | 44.72
- HEX: #F6921E
- CYMK: 0 | 50 | 100 | 0
- HEX: #E21F26
- CYMK: 5 | 100 | 100 | 0
IAS logos are also available in the orange and blue identity colours on a white background, please ask us if you would like to use one of these